Resources (On-Campus)
Below you will find resources for both on- and off-campus assistance. The University works with the community to provide counseling services to students, faculty and staff. Please review the information carefully.
If you are in immediate danger, please dial 911 or contact the Department of Public Safety at 315-443-2224.
For added safety and protection, we have added a “Safety Exit” button to the Sexual Relationship Violence pages. This button can be used to quickly navigate away from pages that provide information regarding how to report sexual assault, resources that are available, and who you can talk to. This button will take you back to automatically and it will not leave a history for anyone to find.
For your convenience, all pages on this website have a link for you to Report A Concern, get back to the Resources page and our Quick Links page quickly.
Title IX Coordinator 
To report and resolve a complaint, or any issue regarding sexual misconduct contact our Title IX coordinator, Sheila Johnson-Willis at:, 315-443-0211, or visit 005 Steele Hall.
To report concerns regarding harassment and/or discrimination contact us at Equal Opportunity.
Department of Public Safety (DPS)
For Your Immediate Safety or to Report a Crime: contact the Department of Public Safety by dialing 711 from any campus phone, #78 on your cell, or 315-443-2224. You can also contact DPS online using the “Silent Witness” Anonymous Reporting System, or text/email:
Sexual & Relationship Violence Response Team (SRVRT)
(315) 443-4715
Concerned about sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking or harassment? For 24/7 privileged* and confidential support and advocacy: Call or visit 200 Walnut Place, or
Assistance and support services are available for both the accused/respondent and victim/complainant.
All University resources share information (except communications only with those who have a need to know) in order to ensure that the complainant’s needs are met, the respondent is treated fairly and campus safety needs are met. Such information could include the nature, date, time, and general location of an incident.
The Counseling Center
Offers privileged and confidential crisis counseling, referrals, advocacy and ongoing assistance for all students addressing mental health, sexual misconduct, relationship violence, and substance abuse issues. It has experienced, licensed mental-health pro-fessionals, including psychologists, and social workers. Help is available 24 hours a day.
Office of Student Assistance
(315) 443-4357
Serves as a central support hub to help students and their families manage crises, life traumas, and other concerns or barriers that impede success. The office works to address the needs of students who struggle in areas such as psychological health, physical health, crime victimization, sexual misconduct, relationship violence, and social adjustment through a variety of interventions, referrals, advocacy, and follow-up services. This Office, working with others as necessary, provides support to the complainant including supporting students through the University conduct process, and/or the legal/criminal process. This Office also designates a person to support the respondent throughout the complaint process.
Hendricks Chapel
(315) 443-2901
Provides privileged support for students, faculty and staff by listening, nurturing and guiding them through concerns related to human dignity, ethics, and spiritual welfare.
Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (FSAP)
Carebridge is the provider of SU’s Faculty and Staff Assistance Program
If you need help, please call Carebridge at 800-437-0911. Carebridge counselors may be reached 24/7 for confidential consultation, assessment, referrals, and counseling. If you are in crisis, please call Carebridge now. If you have immediate safety concerns, please call 911 or go to your closest hospital emergency room.
Syracuse University is committed to the total well-being of our community and to providing support and services to help you and your loved ones manage challenges at work and at home. The full suite of Carebridge’s comprehensive services and resources are available to all those eligible to participate in the University’s medical plan, including benefits-eligible faculty and staff, graduate assistants and retirees, as well as their dependents. Benefit details!
Check out the monthly quick tips!
Licensed, credentialed counselors are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year by calling Carebridge at 800.437.0911. The website is, and the University’s member access code is WY6CE.
Community Resources (Off-Campus)
Vera House
It is the mission of Vera House, Inc. to end all domestic and sexual violence, to assist families in crisis, to support those affected by domestic and sexual violence to live safe, self-sufficient lives, to empower women and children, and to promote a culture of equality and respect in all relationships. Contact Vera House at their new location: 723 James Street, Syracuse, NY 13203 or call (315) 422-7273, or visit their website at
You are free to discuss issues with faculty and staff members with whom you are comfortable, but recognize that their response (appropriately so) may be to discuss the matter with one of the resources above. The goal is to prevent problems, and if a problem arises, to address it and meet the needs of those affected. SPEAK UP and BE HEARD! For more information, read the Sexual and Relationship Violence Resource Guide for Syracuse University Students (PDF).
For policy details, go to the Syracuse University Policies website.
*Privileged resources are those who are, by reason of statute, barred from sharing information except in unusual circumstances.
Office for Civil Rights
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20202-1475
Telephone: 202-453-6020
FAX: 202-453-6021; TDD: 800-877-8339
Email: is a website that provides contact information on various providers who assist victims deal with sexual assault and/or domestic violence.
Domestic violence and sexual abuse impact people in all demographics. However, statistics compiled by RAINN (Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network) and the EVE Foundation indicate victims are disproportionately female. One reason for this could be that men are less likely to report acts of domestic violence or sexual abuse committed against them. Regardless of the gender, race or nationality of the victim, the trauma suffered can do long-lasting psychological harm.
“Victims may suffer from depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, anger and feelings of suicide as a result of this type of abuse. Some domestic and sexual abuse survivors may self-medicate with drugs and alcohol as a way of escaping those feelings and memories. Unfortunately, the misuse of drugs and alcohol can lead to addiction.
Reporting Concerns to the University
To report concerns regarding harassment and/or discrimination contact us at Equal Opportunity.
Quick Links